Missouri - Kirbyville Elementary School
usinfo | 2013-06-14 16:17

4278 E. Highway 76, Kirbyville, MO65679-4278
Phone: (417) 334-2757
Public school

Awards  Blue Ribbon School - Selected in 2011
Grades Offered Grades KG-3
Total Students 140 students
% Male / % Female 45% / 55%
Total Classroom Teachers 12 teachers
Teacher : Student Ratio 1:12
 This School
% American Indian n/a
% Asian n/a
% Hispanic 6%
% Black 4%
% White 90%
Unknown n/a
At Kirbyville Elementary School, we believe that in a democratic society, education must help the student realize his or her worth as an individual and should lead him or her toward becoming a productive member of society. Strong emphasis must be placed upon democratic values which are important for an effective and satisfying personal and social life. We believe that the role of the teacher in the educational process is to provide opportunities for the individual to achieve at the maximum level of capacity, to create a learning situation in which individual motivation for learning is the stimulus for achievement, and to promote through teaching and example the principles of a democratic way of life.

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