New Jersey - Thomas Jefferson Elementary School
usinfo | 2013-06-14 16:46


233 Goffle Hill Road, Hawthorne, NJ07506-3213
Phone: (973) 423-6480
public school

Awards Blue Ribbon School (2011)
Grades Offered Grades KG-5
Total Students 273 students
% Male / % Female 52% / 48%
Total Classroom Teachers 12 teachers
Teacher : Student Ratio 1:23
 This School
% American Indian n/a
% Asian 2%
% Hispanic 16%
% Black 2%
% White 80%
Unknown n/a

Thomas Jefferson Elementary School is one of Hawthorne’s three comprehensive primary schools that leads the way in education excellence. Perhaps its most unique feature is that it has fostered a highly successful primary special education program, with 27% of the 284-student population classified for special education services. Thomas Jefferson Elementary has an outstanding K-5 instructional program for regular education students as well.

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