New York - Sheridan Hill Elementary School
usinfo | 2013-06-14 17:01

4560 Boncrest Drive East, Williamsville, NY14221-6304
Phone: (716) 407-9250
Public school

Awards Blue Ribbon School (2011)
Grades Offered Grades KG-5
Total Students 540 students
% Male / % Female 51% / 49%
Total Classroom Teachers 34 teachers
Teacher : Student Ratio 1:16
 This School
% American Indian 1%
% Asian 5%
% Hispanic 1%
% Black 2%
% White 91%
Unknown n/a

The Sheridan Hill School Improvement Team consists of dedicated teachers, parents, and support staff that are committed to the continuous development of our school as a place where children feel valued and learn the guiding principles that will lead them through their lives. The programs we support provide our school community with a sense of pride and accomplishment. We strive to work with outside agencies to help our students be more involved in the Western New York region. We look toward the future, yet never forget the past.

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