Ps 203 Oakland Gardens
USINFO | 2013-07-16 11:52
District: New York City Geographic District #26
Address:5311 Sprngfld Blvd, Bayside, NY  11361-1491
 Phone:(718) 423-8652

Total Students (2010 - 2011): 816
Grades: PK-5
African American: 19 (2.3%)
American Indian: 3 (0.4%)
Asian: 596 (73%)
Hispanic: 53 (6.5%)
Pacific Islander: 0 (0%)
Two or more races: 0 (0%)
White: 145 (17.8%)
Not Specified:0 (0%)
Fulltime teachers: 49
Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.6
Eligible for discounted/free lunch: 40.6%
Ranking 7th in 2011-2012 NY State Assessments English Language Arts & NY State
Assessments Math

Ps 203 Oakland Gardens has a total of 49 full-time equivalent teachers, which is significantly more than the average for all Public Schools. The student to teacher ratio is 16.6:1, which is much higher than the average for all Public Schools.
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