4 Tips for Taking an Advanced Placement Test
USINFO | 2014-01-03 15:03
Advanced Placement tests can be pretty amazing because a student can potentially earn college credits if they pass the exam. Unfortunately, studying for and taking the actual exam can be extremely stressful on even the best of students. I took six AP tests throughout my high school years, so I know what it's like taking those tests. Luckily, I learned plenty of helpful tips while taking all of those exams. You should follow these tips to relieve yourself of stress before and during the test!

#1: Eat well before the test.
Have you ever been in the middle of class, had your stomach growl, and been really embarrassed about it? Well, I think we all have, but hunger is much more distracting for you as a test taker because you'll probably be distracted thinking about it. Nobody else will really care that much if you're hungry and your stomach is telling them. The best thing you can do before an Advanced Placement exam is eat like a King (or Queen). In reality, this will keep you from being distracted by hunger during the test. Also, it will help you relax because you will be full of delicious food. Everyone should grab a huge meal before the test because it'll keep your mind and body ready to power through that test - it's as simple as that.

#2: Don't study the day before or the day of the test. 
Really, hardcore studying the day before the test or the day of it won't do you any good. You'll pass the test if you're ready, or you'll fail it if you aren't. In reality, cramming right before the test will do much more harm than good. A person should want to relax as much as possible before embarking upon an AP test. Studies have shown that studying done too closely to an exam benefits the student very little. Therefore, just take a breather the day before the test and have some fun. Treat yourself to a good dinner or whatever will make you happiest before taking the hours-long test. If you were attentive during class periods, then you should have no problem passing the test with at least a 3.

#3: Do what you know best first and save the harder parts for afterward.
When you actually sit down and take the test, you'll want to focus your attention to the questions that you know best. Obviously, you can breeze through these questions and essays quickly without much of a hassle. The more time you have to tackle questions and essay questions that you are uncertain about, the better you will do on those. Using this method, you can expect your overall test score to be much higher than if you were to spend all of your time trying to answer questions you are uncertain about. Always remember that you don't absolutely have to answer a question because a wrong answers counts as more of a penalty than a no answer. Of course, that doesn't mean that you should leave your exam blank because that will just result in failure.

#4: Relax during the break.
Obviously, you aren't allowed to study, talk about the test, or use your phone, so you might as well relax during the break. Some people like to talk about the test anyways, but that could just end up stressing you out more. Honestly, your best bet is to just sit down and relax for a few minutes until you have to return to the exam. Just close your eyes and think about other things. After you return to the classroom for the rest of the test, you'll find that you are much more relaxed and prepared to tackle the remaining portions.The worst thing you can do is spend fifteen minutes fretting about a test that ultimately doesn't mean very much for your life and end up returning to it even more stressed out than ever before.

It's just a test.
All Advanced Placement tests are just tests - nothing more. Of course, it'll be the biggest test of your life while you actually take it. If you pass, then you get some college credit. If not, then it doesn't really change your life in any meaningful way. Therefore, just sit down and take the test without worrying about it too much. They aren't that difficult, and you shouldn't spend a single moment fretting over them. You'll feel a lot better about taking the AP tests if you go into them relaxed but prepared.
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