Q&A: How to Score Above 1400 in GRE Exam
USINFO | 2014-01-03 14:42
In today’s Q&A section, I have few pointers to improve your Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Score. Aparna Asks I’ve just started studying for my GRE and I came across your blog. I’m just curious to know how students who obtained scores of above 1400 for GRE prepared for the exam? Is 3 months sufficient? Would just memorizing the Barron’s word list and practicing a lot suffice for the verbal section because that is my main weakness?

Any other strategies they can advise?

How to Prepare for GRE
When I started writing in Happy Schools, almost everyday I used to get email with similar question. So, I put together 10 Steps to Improve GRE Score. But, those 10 steps will doesn’t include particular strategy or how students prepared to score 1400+ in GRE. I have seen atleast 15+ students in last 3 months who had score above 1400.  Now you know scoring more than 1300 is possible.  It’s not something, like only genius can do it.

But, to get that kind of score Graduate Record Exam, you need lot of dedication, time, perseverance and patience. Especially, if you scored 900 in first few practice test. Most of the students appearing for GRE Test from India, China, usually score 700 or more in quantitative, but scoring more than 500 in Verbal section is going to take some effort. Scoring 700 to 750 is easy in GRE Math section, but to get 800 it take some perfection. If you get few questions wrong or even one, 800 will be tough to get. 

Having good understanding about the scoring pattern will help you prepare in much better way. But, just spending 3 months or 2 years studying for GRE will not have huge impact if you don’t spend time wisely to improve your score. I will write an article on How Not to Prepare for GRE.

15 Step Approach to  GRE Quantitative Score
Here few steps, if you follow that will definitely help you to improve score ove a period of time

1.Take a practice test. I know you will make mistakes.

2.Make a note of the mistake.

3.Have separate book for GRE Math section.

4.At end of the test, analyze the mistakes.

5.Analyzing for few seconds will not help. Like I selected Choice A, but answer is D and moving on will not help.

6.Make a note of the problem, find how to solve the problem.

7.If it involves use of new formula or concept, you are not aware of, then write it down in the note book.

8.I’m saying again, write it down in your notebook.

9.You will come across similar problem in future test, then make sure you get it right.

10.If you haven’t made a note of that concept of formula, in 2-3 weeks time you will forget.

11.If you still get similar problem wrong, then you can see a pattern. Which topics you get it wrong.

12.Work on the areas where you are making constant mistakes.

13.Spend time daily practicing the problems/concepts where you make mistakes often.

14.Buy, Quantitative Aptitude book, solve some 20 to 30 problems in same concept.

15.Keep doing above said steps, in 203 months time you will see gradual increase in your score.

Now you know a way to improve your GRE Math score. If you are reading this and if you have scored more than 1300 in GRE, I would appreciate if you can send your GRE preparation experience, I will be glad to post in this blog. I know there are few readers who have scored more than 1300 in GRE. I like  to know the books, materials, strategies, studying time, … you followed.

So many readers who are trying to improve their score are looking for such information. Few minutes of your time can help a lot of students.
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