How to Figure Out How Much One College Class Costs
USINFO | 2013-11-14 11:06

 College classroom

College students often take a college class without a specific degree in mind or to further their education for either career or personal interests. For instance, an individual out of work may decide to take a computer class to help her land an office job. Locating the cost of a college class entails determining the class you plan to take and locating the college's tuition fee, which is based on credit hours.

In Person

o 1
Visit the college campus. Go to the admissions office.

o 2
Request a copy of the school's course catalog. It provides a list of the courses offered for the quarter or semester you plan to attend.

o 3
Pick a course from the catalog. Since the cost of tuition is based on the number of credit hours, picking the course first gives you the exact amount.

o 4
Ask the admissions' office personnel what the tuition cost is per credit hour. Also, request a list of the fees required, such as facility and building fees.

o 5
Multiply the number of hours the course covers by the per-hour tuition. For example, if tuition is $90 per credit hour and the class is a 3 hour credit course, the total tuition is $270 plus the fees.

2. Online
o 6
Visit the college's website. Click on the link for "Future Students."

o 7
Locate the link to the college course catalog. Generally, it opens in as separate webpage or pdf file.

o 8
Find the class in the catalog you plan to take. Then, locate the list, also found in the catalog, indicating the cost of tuition per-hour and the fees required by the college.

o 9
Multiply the class hours by the hourly tuition. Then, add the fees required by the college.

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