Centennial Change: Chinese American from slavery to the rich(2)
USINFO | 2013-10-23 13:29
Economic conditions
Jufan Chinese were tolerated where there are of much-needed manpower and white job shop and go to a place they do not want, such as cooks and launderers mine, or the city people's servant. Also serves as the field of early Chinese farm workers, morning to evening, wages are very low. In 1870, California 1/10 farm workers are Chinese, and by the mid 1880s, a majority of farm workers are Chinese. Proven to work in the fields, the Chinese more industrious than whites, but also more serious. In the construction of railways, the Chinese is very hard work, when laying collective perseverance. 10,000 Chinese workers helped build the Central Pacific Railroad.

Chinese in the United States and in other places overseas Chinese not the same. Businessmen, bankers and educated people, not to the United States to endure insults, discrimination and violence. To the United States are those of poverty, little education, and often are young and inexperienced Chinese people.

Over time, Chinese people left or been driven out of the mines, fields and railways. Most of them are some cities in California to settle down, there are some people move towards the east. Those who employ Chinese American owners, often harassed and threatened, so the Chinese employment nowhere, only to fend for themselves or do domestic servants. After decades of time, their main job is to open the laundry. Chinese Restaurant is another employment channels. Most of these restaurants is located in the Chinese community or Chinatown, trying to make people feel not in competition with whites. Between 1920 and even in the United States, more than half of Chinese employed work in the laundry or in restaurants. Laundry outnumber the number of restaurants, because the laundry does not require much capital, and do not know how much English can be opened. Despite being strictly limited in both career fields, the Chinese, or to have been successful. Chinese Hand Laundry become an integral part of business. Chinese restaurant serves food too, chop suey, chow mein, fried rice, although everything is not authentic Chinese food, but it has become a favorite of American cuisine. In addition, the Chinese food in Chinatown also opened a grocery store, providing a variety of Chinese appetite for food.

Even in their small circle, the Chinese still continue to suffer legal harassment. Chinese-run or operated by Chinese companies, to be subject to special taxes and surcharges. For example, in the 19th century, San Francisco, for those who do not wash the clothes chaise will return the customer's laundry license fee levied, would be much higher than the average, and that Chinese people use to send clothes pole lug baskets the way, has also been identified as violations.

Face discrimination everywhere, Chinese people's response was shunned, try not dramatic, and living in isolated areas or within the fence of the European Jews is very similar. Chinatown developed their own social organizations and elected leaders to deal out their own internal affairs, unless a last resort, and never resort to local U.S. agencies. This situation in Asia and elsewhere overseas Chinese middle is widespread. In the United States, the Chinese leaders deliberately avoided courts and the political arena. The reason feasible to do so, in part because the United States now live in self-contained communities, everyone from the Chinese province of the same area a. In these enclaves, they kept exactly to the value of China's traditional culture, which is already set in the Chinese mainland in the collapse.

U.S. Chinatown leaders, whose power source is not political prestige, but their wealth and who have the money borrowed force. At that time the Chinese American community to provide economic opportunities for small, more social opportunities not to mention, in this case, the control of the Chinese civil society in order to purge the political boss or trouble strikes militants who approach is very simple, as long as Do not give them jobs or credit, is enough to make them desperate. Chinese internal organization can decide where and how people can work, where any person can start a business, and by what means to raise funds and so on.

Economic and social pressures have force behind it. Exist in China and other overseas Chinese communities secret society or church, there are also various Chinatowns in the United States. 19th century secret society killer with an ax as a weapon to attack, so U.S. English in a "hand ax" is used. The word now refers to a variety of criminal activities. But secret societies ax, and gradually evolved into revolvers and machine guns, which can also be regarded as part of the American society assimilated it.

Church has delineated the various brothels, gambling and opium sphere of influence, most of the residents left homeless early Chinatown, there is no woman around, so gambling prostitution and opium is very popular among them. From time to time between the Church sporadic outbreaks of violence.19th Century Chinatown outbreak of the "tong wars" Especially bloody. After the 20th century, when the church is still fighting broke out, has been extended to 1931. Despite the sensational press too sensational court battle, but most Chinese Americans have always been a quiet and peaceful.

Social conditions
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of the early Chinese immigrants, is this true national importance of the family in the United States are deprived of the possibility of a family. In 1882, the United States unilaterally reduced the number of Chinese people moved America, resulting in the Chinese gender imbalance, its degree of seriousness, more than any other race. In 1860, the Asian American male to female ratio is about 20:1 to 27:1 in 1890 rose to more. Between 1930, this ratio is still 4:1. Obviously, in this case, many of the early Chinese unable to reproduce. This means that the Chinese as an ethnic group, into the American culture of the time was wasted. American-born second generation Chinese almost nothing, until 1940 most Chinese still not born in the U.S., so no way through school to learn English and American customs, like other races, let alone as a second-generation children to help their parents to adapt to the American culture. Chinese men often trapped in the U.S., we can not lead a normal family life, but also because of poverty and can not return to their motherland. Neither to be needed in a while they themselves do not want to stay, the country where it was never intended lifetime of thousands Eased American Chinese, alone spent their lifetime.

Like in China, like those Chinese family in the United States is very powerful forces. Head of the family there are both economic and social impact strength. A Chinese businessman usually holds the leadership of a family, the store offers accommodation near their tribe, to give them aid, care and shelter, but also help them to open opportunities. Because relatively few number of Chinese in the United States, some of the family will join together to become one big family. Conservative on family business secrets and limiting new stores, laundries and restaurants opened. Different families ruled in different cities Chinatown.

In addition to the family, but also appeared in a variety of self-help groups. These organizations play an employment agency, in turn loan associations, institutions and social organizations mediation role. Because of this mutual aid organizations have a number of features, so it can win the respect or recognition of Chinese. Without this organization, these hardy people living in a foreign country will lose a lot of essential services and enjoy. Various Chinese mutual aid organizations finally merged into the Chinese Charity Federation, generally known as the "six companies" to form a unified voice in Chinatown, and to all Chinese in the United States to speak.

From family, six companies and the Church (both independent and can discipline members of the Church does not violate the rules of other Chinese organizations) the moral, economic and political pressure on the U.S. Chinatowns become highly self-enclosed communities.

In the 19th century, the last 25 years, Chinatown is not only Chinese, but also for those indulging in prostitution, gambling and drug abuse whites are iniquity. Chinese opium introduction of the U.S.. Red-light district frequented Chinatown whites, are some hooligans and thugs. Chinatown gang violence could erupt at any time already, these white criminals come, there will be further exacerbated the risk. At that time, the kind worn in Chinatown, filth and violence rampant situation, just to be anti-China elements used as a pretext for limiting entry of Chinese immigrants, although in fact, the main reason for this situation, it is then implemented exclusion Chinese immigration policy.

Descendants of Chinese immigrants
As the years passed, one of the few Chinese-American woman gave birth to a second generation. This second generation remain limited, they grow slightly eased the Chinese gender serious imbalance situation. But from then until the end of World War II, this male than female situation has not fundamentally changed. There are an unknown number of Chinese women have been smuggled into the United States (some of whom apparently were trafficked as prostitutes come), mixed in a large number of times in the row of Chinese have been smuggled into the United States among the Chinese. As we all know, many Chinatown residents until 1960 also intends to avoid census takers, fear that their illegal immigrant status was found that some wealthy Chinese do everything possible to keep their wives spotlight, but do not allow them to touch and Chinese men. Chinese man married a very small proportion. The early 1900s in New York, the Chinese men married already small, and the majority is associated with interracial marriage. Only in the next few decades, as Chinese women gradually increased, this ratio have been reduced. With the increase in the number of married Chinese men, and the proportion of mixed marriages in the 1920s and 1930s gradually reduced to about 1/4. Alien woman married to a mostly white.

While most Chinese men living alone alone, but they actually are not bachelor. In 1910, the Chinese living in the United States more than single men married, but his wife, most people outside the U.S. Bale.

Although prostitution, opium, gambling prevalence in Chinatown, the Chinese men still written in Chinese hometown to return a considerable remittances. Since most Chinese Americans from specific areas of a province of China, remittances sent back from the United States to focus to this place. This place is Taishan, Taishan, it became one of China's most affluent areas. The ground floor from the road, the installation of lights.Educational facilities here until the mid-20th century when the Chinese Communist government took over, has been in Guangdong Province, the best. These schools is to use the money to build the Chinese-American exchange and maintained. Taishan District project funding also came from the Chinese-American raised there, laundry owner, restaurant workers and other people have to dig through pockets. According to U.S. standards, these people are still in poverty, but according to Chinese standards, they have very affluent. From 1938 to 1947, annual remittances sent to China from the United States an average of $ 7,000,000.

With the stranded Chinese in Chinatown trip overseas heir died, while some of the more fortunate people raised enough money to return home, they will gradually disintegrated subculture. Since these reduced the number of abjection, Chinatown crime began to decline. 1900 to 1927, the Chinese were arrested in the United States, 2/3 is committed overseas trip three closely related offenses, namely prostitution, drugs and gambling. Late 1950s and early 1960s, in Lexington, Kentucky, drug addiction treatment centers in Chinese, 70% were born in China, more than 90% of people in the United States to work in laundries and restaurants, 60% of person-years over 50. San Francisco Chinese suicide rate over the same period, the nation's average of 3 times, the deceased was born in China almost all Chinese. It is simply lead to U.S. laws and discrimination Chinese tragic part of the consideration paid it, these laws and discriminatory practices of the first generation of Chinese is almost no way to get rich in America, but also unable to return to China and reunion.

In 1930, the U.S. government on immigration law was amended to allow a small amount still in the Pacific Ocean to the United States for women and their husbands reunion. In 1943, the United States withdrew in 1882 of the "Chinese Exclusion Act"; 1945, the newly adopted legislation allowing a limited number of Chinese immigrants to the United States, these measures reduce the sex ratio imbalance, making this family-oriented nation can live on a more normal family life. Most new immigrants are women, in addition these women of marriageable age. Just a few years, more than 8,000 Chinese men brought his wife to fetch the United States. Some people experience after decades of separation reunited, often relatively silent, did not expect this life can meet. Many married men back to China, according to the traditional way, please matchmaker matchmaker. Even during this period in the United States to marry Chinese, select an object by a parent or matchmaker also accounted for a large proportion, of course, are in varying degrees, the consent of both parties consent.

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