Centennial Change: Chinese American from slavery to the rich(3)
USINFO | 2013-10-23 13:29
Economic conditions
Although the early Chinese-American employment opportunities are limited, Chinatown can still take care of their compatriots in the poor. Even as the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1930 Great Depression so some of the catastrophe, forcing the Chinese failed to reach out to the public relief help. Although the 1906 earthquake after fire destroyed Chinatown, resulting in many people homeless, but San Francisco Chinese aid to get far less than their fair share according to the number, and apply for public assistance even less. The manner of the Chinese community organizations where Chinese from other cities to raise funds to provide relief to the affected families to rebuild their homes.

Even in the early 1930s, when the Great Depression peaked, they rarely have the Chinese to accept federal unemployment benefits. In 1933, 10% of whites in Chicago to receive federal unemployment benefits, the Chinese only 4%. In New York, whites receiving such assistance, 9%, but only 1% of Chinese. Other cities in roughly the same situation. Some Chinese family associations in the foyer to put a bucket of rice to starving himself and members of his family came to pick up the required components, and in his situation improved again when an automatic return.

19th century Chinese and Caucasian direct competition of the kind of rampant anti-Chinese sentiment in the Chinese retreat to their own land, neither compete nor to resist, the whites could not permanently maintain its frenetic momentum. Chinatown since become a tourist attraction. Chinese internal organization carefully maintains Chinatown visual impact as much as possible deal with their own poverty and other problems in almost no longer trigger of political protest.

Individual Chinese, especially those born in the U.S. is therefore a younger generation of American citizens, were sent to university studies, quietly into some specialized career fields. These pioneers in their own case, the Americans hit back strongly prevalent idea that the Chinese can not be assimilated alien secular bias, and demonstrate a greater degree of Chinese should be accepted. This quiet infiltration of Chinese tactics, coupled with U.S. generally low tide of racism, especially anti-China sentiment is low, resulting in an increase in the number of Chinese professionals, whether it is from the relative proportions or absolute numbers are true. In 1940, California was only 3% of Chinese-American professionals, compared with 8 percent for whites. By 1950, the proportion of Chinese doubled to 6 per cent, the proportion increased to 10% of whites. In the subsequent 10 years, the Chinese professional figure increased three-fold, reaching 18%, more than 15% of whites. Curiously, Hawaii hostility against Chinese extent unlike in the United States from less severe, but the progress of Chinese in Hawaii and whites compared to, no matter from the perspective of relative or absolute, to be much less. In 1900, the proportion of Chinese and Japanese professionals are still lower than blacks, Asians act as servants more than the proportion of blacks more than doubled, we can see the progress of the Chinese later how impressive.

Educated Chinese, as the first wedge into the American society, and their number is very small. In 1940, Chinese people over the age of 25, they accounted for less than 2%. But in these few persons, 80% into the specialized professions, mostly in research positions. After this 20 years, with higher education to increase the number of Chinese youth - up to 20% of all employment - they are engaged in the professional field has been relatively stable. In 1960, more than half of the professional Chinese-American engaged in scientific research, accounting, engineering, mapping and university teaching, more than half of university professor of engineering or natural sciences faculty.

Generally speaking, however, the Chinese initial economic takeoff, not by means of ordinary American society specialized occupations, but based on their business activities in Chinatown. Chinese can not get U.S. banks and other financial institutions generally working capital, but this does not prevent the rise of Chinese enterprises. A system of rotating borrowing "Bidding" is a southern tradition among those who organized, through which you can raise funds to invest. This financing method itself is very simple, each member take turns using all the other members of the investment will be paid. The secret of its success lies deadbeat very few people. A strong sense of honor individuals and families so that any member of the arrears will be paid will not, if someone owed and will be paid on behalf of his family. This funding approach is not unique to the Chinese. Lies in the value system of the Chinese people - especially family's sense of honor - so this approach works, but it will destroy the entire plan Repudiation. Until the 1950s, "Bidding" has always been the primary means of fund-raising in Chinatown.

Labor shortages during World War II, which for the Chinese offers many new job opportunities. Many Chinese abandoned the traditional line of business in Chinatown, to devote himself to these new jobs. Diligent work habits and no boss supervision, this is the first generation of the characteristics of Chinese laborers to the United States. Once the removal of discriminatory barriers, these qualities would play a decisive role on the labor market and the favorable conditions. By 1960, Chinese workers in professional and business and the number has exceeded the number of people engaged in manual work. In 1959, the average income of Chinese-Americans than other Americans.

With this apparent rise in economic status, residence of Chinese Americans began to spread out. Most Chinese Americans no longer live in Chinatown, Chinatown residents only those early settlers were trapped due to inability to return to the country in the United States at an age old overseas Chinese, and those who repeat the experience of early Chinese new generation of Chinese refugees in poverty . The refugees in Chinese restaurants or light industry work, long working hours, low wages. The older of the old and new refugees overseas presence, highlighting the following two contradictory facts: First, despite the Chinese Americans as a whole, wages above the national average, but the Chinese in Chinatown, but particularly low-income ; Second, despite the Chinese Americans as a whole, the educational level (and quality) above average, but the proportion of illiteracy among Chinese Americans is far higher than the U.S. average (blacks several times).

Social conditions
And other races, the Chinese population in the United States declined over the past few decades. In 1890, the United States 107 000 Chinese, while in 1920, but only 61 000. Chinese and some died, and some leave, and Few, however, to fill the gap. But eventually reverse the trend of population decline over, because the proportion of women increased, more and more Chinese children born in the U.S.. In 1930, the number of Chinese Americans grow to 75,000 people by 1950, even higher than the 1890 peak of Chinese population 107,000 people.

The late 19th and early 20th centuries that tattered and dirty Chinatown, along with changes in the demographic composition of Chinese Americans began to Hull. On the age old overseas Chinese, and some have died, some returned to China, so that the Chinatown brothels, casinos and opium den unmanned patronize. Chinatown restaurants opened and the rise of tourism, so that the Chinese feel the need to suppress violence and clear dirty, because these phenomena will reduce the attractiveness of the Chinese community to tourists. In addition, the slow but steady increase in the number of families, but also formed a new ingredient, they oppose Chinatown crime and violence. This new ingredient though few in number, but the team was in growing.

20th century, the first few decades, the internal balance of power in Chinatown, is not conducive to all kinds of evil Church. "Six company" ordered its members to merchants refused to pay protection money to church again. Chinatown residents began and police co-operation to hunt down and prosecute criminals and those who long harbored the Church of corrupt police. This is the previously unheard of. Can not be eradicated risque activities (gambling is Cantonese ingrained Vulgar) is forced to go underground. In those who want to attract Chinese tourists under pressure from the gambling den is still operating in the tourist field of vision is limited, but also allowed the Chinese community outside of strangers open.

Chinese leaders initiated the rebuilding of Chinatown, Chinatown, they use nowadays typical pagoda-shaped building to decorate their area. New look Chinatown, tourism thrive. Chinese festivals and processions protected by the police and become spectators to attract a large number of non-Chinese municipal projects.

Emerging tourism development, such as a cash cow, so many criminal acts church abandoned in favor for the emerging tourism services offered by restaurants and shops. Many have abandoned the "Church," the name of the renamed various "associations."

Although clever, organized crime still exists in Chinatown, Chinese Americans in general still very law-abiding, this and similar situations Italian-American. Therefore, the reduction of organized crime in Chinatown, where the crime rate means generally decreased. A survey conducted in 1946 showed that New York's Chinatown in a period of more than eight years, only one person was arrested for drunkenness, murder or other serious crimes were arrested even one there.

A new generation of American-born Chinese children and other descendants of immigrants encountered the same language barriers, and sometimes they go to school to go to school completely isolated (such as the late 19th century and early 20th century in San Francisco), or enrolled in Chinese Chinese children who kibbutz accounted for the vast majority of school students. Chinese school children in uniform or mixed with other races in schools, Chinese children have learned equally well. Some early studies on the Chinese that their IQ below the national average. But by the 1930s, Chinese teenager's IQ is equivalent to or higher than the U.S. average, and it was always the case. New York's Chinatown for Chinese students teacher evaluation is that, compared to white students, "they conduct good, listen to the teacher, more independence." American-born Chinese youth will naturally not by the "Chinese Exclusion Act" of the constraints. At that time, these laws prohibit non-US citizen engaged in various occupations and exercise all rights. This new generation of Chinese Americans faced their parents into a completely different world, they have the sufficient condition in this world to show their talents.

With a significant number of the emergence of second-generation Chinese American (although later some), common in immigrant ethnic generational tensions began. Traditionally, marriages are arranged by parents in the United States with his family growing offspring conflict focus. But the two sides to compromise, so that family members can still closely linked. According to the U.S. standards, "parental authority" is still general practice, and compared to other Americans, Chinese parents and their children in the emotional gap. For a long time, the Chinese youth crime rate is very low, although early in Chinatown is full of criminal behavior, one of the few Chinese children also deeply involved.

Widespread sympathy for the Chinese Americans, especially after the invasion of China by the Japanese, making Americans more accepting of Chinese. Chinese is considered a quiet and orderly race, living in a community where the problem does not occur, or at least rarely attract outside attention to their problems in the community.

In Chinese culture, the role of women has always been a slave, at least Foreign so. However, even in the Chinese mainland, Chinese men also won the world's most henpecked reputation. Among the Chinese-American, single gender imbalance is the status quo is easy enough to make a woman prevail. Although the Chinese Foreign husband is head of the family but the wife decided to home events is widespread, but not limited to household chores.

Although traditional Chinese family population, and until recently, those Chinese families in the United States, too, but by 1970, every Chinese women gave birth to an average of only two children. In the 35 to 44-year-old Chinese women in less than nine years of education gave birth to an average of 3.5 children, while those highly educated women, their children born and less than 3.

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