Centennial Change: Chinese American from slavery to the rich(4)
USINFO | 2013-10-23 13:29
"Hong Kong Chinese"
After the founding of new China in 1949, a number of Chinese people into the then British colony of Hong Kong, many of whom eventually removed to the United States. U.S. immigration law constantly changes, making the United States the Chinese population in the 1960s almost doubled, from 237,000 people to 435,000 people. Chinese newcomers, many Chinese Americans have been or are in the majority are leaving Chinatown settle down. In 1960, in San Francisco, the nation's largest Chinese community, population density per square mile is three times the average density of the city, three years later increased to six times. New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago, the Chinese population in the 1960s were more than doubled. Each year, about 20,000 more than the Chinese people from Hong Kong and Taiwan legally enter the United States, but it is estimated that each year there are the same number of Chinese illegal immigrants.

These new immigrants and old immigrants different. Traditional Chinese community from China by a specific regional culture composed of people, this culture has been changed even in China, but it is in the United States but was carefully preserved. Chinatown is not only a strong nuclear family, but also such as family, church and the "six company" so some of the deep-rooted community organizations. The Hong Kong Chinese is not a part of the culture, they did not understand neither speak Chinatown Taishan dialect popular in the United States. But they can not speak English, which is also not easy to break into the American society. Though they are from Hong Kong to the United States, but they are all in Chinese ancestral not identical.

For decades, most of the Chinese-American from the same province in the same area, and now they have begun to like the same from localism country rife with China that the Italian immigrants, as plagued by internal division. Those gaining a foothold in the United States Chinese, new immigrants and their annoyed many problems, not only complain that they directly caused the problem, but feel that these new immigrants has brought shame to the entire Chinese-American, incriminate himself.

Hong Kong Chinese not only from different parts of China, but also in Hong Kong has already partially Westernized. Traditional Chinese values and binding - especially families - among them are not as strong and effective as in the Chinese-American. Chinese family from Hong Kong young people and young people from traditional Chinese-American family, the difference between the two is particularly significant. Traditional Chinese youth busy with school work, and sometimes after school, public school, had the Chinese school tutoring, or to open their own shop to help. In the process of the United States, despite the generational conflict will inevitably occur, but the traditional Chinese-American youth rarely get into the police or judges, while new to the Hong Kong Chinese youth, but often in school and on the road blunder. They look down on Chinese restaurants and shops with no expertise provided by "low", and so they hang around in the streets, gang involvement hooligan activities.

Thus, in the nation's major commercial port of Chinatown, from New York to Honolulu, crime and violence significantly increased. Hong Kong Chinese youth gang insults and harassment Chinatown economy survival of tourists. They are also involved in destroying other people's property, violence and extortion, theft, terror and murder and other criminal activities. Like other ethnic youth gang members, they were "dressed in fancy clothes, through the streets of Chinatown." When fighting broke out between gangs, often members of both parties morgue streets. 1973, New York's Chinatown occurred about 200 youth gangs since the murder, which is the last generation of Chinese have never heard of. In San Francisco's Chinatown, just a gang of youths had 400 members. Some Chinese youth gangs also has branches in various cities.

Hong Kong Chinese in a very hard-working adults, and under tremendous pressure. As no expertise, not to adapt to American culture and recent illegal immigrants, they work hard, very low wages, living in a very crowded and dilapidated house, the house full of rats and cockroaches. Some people in order to be able to immigrate to the U.S., had been bribing officials in Hong Kong with a large sum of money, or money bribe smugglers smuggling them into the United States, so now have to tighten their debts.

Many Hong Kong Chinese had to settle for an illegal low-wage, working hours than the law and illegal and deplorable living conditions, because some members of their own or their family is residing illegally in the United States, if the authorities are aware of the facts, they will expelled from the United States. Each year more than 6,000 illegal immigrants were deported back.

More than half of New York's Chinatown man working in a restaurant, 3/4 of the women's clothing store in Chinatown foot sewing machine. In New York's Chinatown, families living in poverty ratio is twice the average city. Because work long hours, especially in the evenings restaurants and more work in the fields, many immigrant families with little chance of eating, not a few times throughout the week. Nobody at home, children are growing up in the street. In other cities, Hong Kong Chinese living situation were largely true.

Although the Hong Kong Chinese adults than to the United States to find better economic opportunities in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Chinese adolescents did not take their own destiny and compared to mainland China or Hong Kong, but other U.S. adolescents, including well-educated, generous family The fate of the traditional Chinese-American adolescents compared. Hong Kong Chinese also regarded as a traditional Chinese-American parents, landlords and bosses hire them, their parents earn less than other Americans, but it has a lot of paid labor. Hong Kong Chinese youth has always been extremely offensive to Americans, and tend to Maoism. This is within the Chinese community formed a new source of friction, as these communities have always been firmly support China Taiwan Kuomintang authorities.

Chinatown community leader, has been in a dilemma when handling Hong Kong Chinese. Because Chinatown relies heavily on tourism, public discussion of poverty, crime and violence and other issues, will reduce the number of visitors, thus affecting the livelihoods of local residents and Chinese leaders profitable business. They are unwilling to apply for the federal government's various anti-poverty projects, but also do not want to ask the Government to intervene in community affairs, because this way, the community is not lawful conditions, particularly those concerning immigration, housing and working conditions, will undoubtedly exposed. Money to bribe or scare them through Hong Kong Chinese youth gang approach to seek an internal solution. In New York, many Chinese restaurants free of charge gangstas eat. Some companies pay them in Chinatown "protection" fees. Some Church of San Francisco employment of young gang members for gambling den gatekeeper or to deal with other gangs.

Hong Kong Youth by Chinatown gangs pose the greatest threat, it's not a traditional Chinese-American, because most of them do not live in Chinatown, the most threatened is needed tourists and tourists in Chinatown. Street criminals to make tourists stay away, especially when they are abusive whites, robbery or harassment when tourists. Even if gang activity is not specifically targeted tourists, their presence also affected the tourism industry. Some of San Francisco's Chinatown Church stand up to fight back their youth gang members. Them to those involved in "harmful to our community business and social life misconduct elements" issued a public warning. Shortly thereafter, five young people in Hong Kong are tied corpse was found floating in San Francisco Bay. More conservative Chinese leaders encourage the police to take more forceful measures, including beating with batons ready the young gangster's head. Chinatown leaders did not complain about the so-called "police brutality" On the contrary, they encourage the police in the street on the spot justice. They only care about how to maximize the reduction of such or any other detrimental Chinatown news caused among the public debate. Sometimes, those who may endanger the survival of the fragile Chinatown, tourism news, they urge newspapers depressed news, another some time, they simply bribe reporters to remain silent.

Today's Chinese-American
Today's Chinese-American, on the revenue side is better than the average American, and higher occupational status. 1/4 Chinese-American employment in the field of scientific and technical work.Although the United States has been historically have not encountered any immigration most serious discrimination and violence, the Chinese still rose to the position today. For a long period of time, they were confined in a narrow range of employment, but they are in these industries has been successful, and later when the opportunity finally arrived, they asked several areas of expansion. Chinese people's success today depends largely on such a simple fact: they work more than others, and trained more (and more favorable) education. About 1/5 of Chinese families have three or more people to make money, in contrast to that the proportion of households that Puerto Ricans 1/13, the proportion of Indian households is 1/10, white families ratio is 1/8. Chinese only at work and to education has been an advantage, compared to other Americans, they had no advantage at all in other areas. That is, for a given number of members and the employment level of education of the parents received the established Chinese families, income is only equivalent to the average level of such American family, and sometimes slightly below average, take a look at the following tables.

Chinese-American men headed household income

(For a similar U.S. family income to 100%)

Education level-headed single-income families (%) double-income households (%) 3 or 3 above income households (%)

Below Secondary 989,897

School 92105100

University (Read 1 to 3 years) 8094106

University (Read 4 years) 8299106

Graduate (read two) 7586148

Graduate (read two or more years) 9396107

Source: "common sampling data," U.S. Census Bureau, 1970.

Oriental scholars, scientists and engineering experts, academic attainments, general than blacks and whites than a mile. In other words, by comparison, more Asians (This refers to the Japanese and Chinese people) won a doctorate, especially those famous institutions of higher education doctorate. Oriental scholars have published the works of more than whites and blacks.

The famous Chinese-American, including three Nobel Prize winners, are the physics prize. Another Chinese-American physicist - a woman - in World War II helped develop the first atomic bomb the United States. In the construction sector, IM Pei's famous for outstanding design. His famous architectural designs include Hancock Tower in Boston and John • F • Kennedy Library, as well as in Washington, DC's National Gallery that add striking architecture.

Many Chinese Americans are also in the business fortunes. As early as 1939, a MingjiaoQiao Song (transliteration) Chinese migrant workers created several affiliated shops, a second end and became a wealthy California. Little Gerald Tsai (transliteration) is now a Wall Street has more than 400 million U.S. dollars of assets the company's president. Another Chinese-American C • Y • Dong (transliteration) is one of the world's largest sole owner, who has a boat spent 300 million U.S. dollars.

In politics, ethnic Chinese have only recently Blair. The first Chinese-American to hold public office of which W • F • Weng (transliteration). In 1946 he was dominated by one Caucasian, Chinese only 13 constituencies elected Arizona Legislature. The most famous Chinese-American politicians are Hiram von. Feng in 1959 in the United States before the legislature of Hawaii Territory worked for 14 years, from 1959 to 1976, he was the representative of Hawaii's U.S. senators.

As a group, the Chinese-American family that was wealthy and well-educated. But they were impoverished Chinatown, Chinese illiteracy rate is also higher than the average American. This strange phenomenon significant difference from the inside. Long ago emigrated to the U.S. from the Taishan region of the Chinese, whose descendants preserved Chinese values and culture very successfully integrated into American society. Newly arrived Hong Kong Chinese, with different cultural origins, they are in Hong Kong for the Western values and style, but did not learn those in the U.S. economy will be successful and achieve the desired skills. Although foreign-born Chinese living in the United States has an average of 17 years, and the American-born Chinese have the same qualifications and favorable conditions, but the former wage income is still lower than the latter 1/4. The older generation of Hong Kong Chinese to work hard in order to sustain livelihoods and seek development, and Hong Kong Chinese young but often disgruntled about their situation, the social discontent, which took place deviant behavior, including engaging in terrorist activities and murder. As the tourism industry must maintain Chinatown, Chinese leaders had 哑巴吃黄连, do everything possible to trivialize these issues, ones out.

Now Chinese American men than women only 11%. And this gender imbalance exists mainly to the United States in the early years among older people. In marriageable age among Chinese Americans, the number has been largely gender balance. And in many other areas, which is also reflected ethnic Chinese have made great progress. Chinese-American families are stable, accounting for about 90% of the total number of Chinese families is a complete family. Nearly 80 percent of 35 to 45 years old Chinese man and his wife have been married and living together. And gender imbalance during the high rate of intermarriage situation now compared with 87% of Chinese men married to a Chinese woman. Chinese Americans divorce less than 10%.

In a sense, the Chinese-American as a group, has been in occupation and residence are integrated into American society, but they still preserve their values and racial identity. This is called the most adverse circumstances made remarkable achievements.

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